Friday, July 25, 2008

The 23 Things

My items are 7 through 9. I am to blog about new technology. Oh my, big mistake! I can overwhelm with great, good, mediocre and bad ideas. I thought of two today that I will ponder and share:
  1. I noticed at a cash register a portable DVD player that was playing through a slide show of different events. Why couldn't we test a few at some of the Circ desks. They don't take up much space, cost very much, and has the potential to grow into bigger displays (really, just water once a day:) Maybe we could test demo at our SDD booth.
  2. Online games we could customize and provide on an age-appropriate website, such as "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" or the Memory Game free software with authors' names or titles. There is also a free, customizible online boardgame a library offers for reference questions and answers. They were amazed at the number of hits they got. The presenters and designers were from an academic library but the game could easily be adapted. I was at a library conference and everyone had some great suggestions on they could use it.

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